  • Capcom
  • Capcom
  • n/a
  • Action RPG
  • 2006-03-07
  • 1
  • 2 DVDs
  • Mature

Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams

5:00pm - 6:00pm = 1 hr

5:00pm - 6:00pm = 1 hr

OnimushaPS2 -
Onimusha 2: Samurai's DestinyPS2 -
Onimusha 3: Demon SiegePS2 -
Onimusha: Dawn of DreamsPS2 -

Over the weekend I went down to the local Blockbuster to check out the new games and flicks. I've been wanting and trying to rent Black (for PS2) but it's been out the couple times I've gone. But to my surprise, mainly since it recently came out and I forgot about it, they had one copy of Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams in. So I grabbed it before anyone else could. I haven't played it a ton since yet, since I'm in the middle of other games, but I have it for the rest of the week so we'll see how far I get. So far I think it's probably my favorite Onimusha game, mainly because it's an action RPG. Not just action like the others. Sure there were some RPG elements in the other games, but not as much of this one. Plus you can get different playable characters and switch between them as you play. This game also looks awesome! It's not like the others with mostly pre-rendered environments with weird camera angles. This one is real-time and you have good camera control for the most part. There are some areas where you can't control the camera, which then has the feel of how the other games were. The environments are highly detailed and look just as good as the pre-rendered ones. Another thing I like about this already is that you can play in the original Japanese. (This is a big deal to me in games, it's usually a better experience without as much cheese) I can't remember if you could do this before, but I want to think not. Guess I'll have to replay those and refresh my memory. This game reminds me a lot of how the newer Castlevania games play and seems like it will be a good one. I will most definitely add it to my collection sometime in the future.

(2006-03-22 @ 04:15 pm)

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